Grants of the City of Prague in the field of culture 2008


Grants were allocated in the following groups:

Group 1 – subsidy per ticket – 25% of the total sum financed was distributed to the ”subsidy per ticket“ (contribution for operation – „operating grant“). Providing the subsidy per ticket is subject only to the Accreditation of the applicant under the conditions specified hereinafter. The subsidy is calculated as a ratio of total revenues and an average ticket price of the applicant while minimum average ticket price must not be lower than 150 CZK.

Group 2 – subsidy of artistic activity of entities, projects of presentation Prague culture abroad, projects of international co-operation and projects of non-professional art – 25 % of the total sum financed was distributed based on the assessment of the artistic value of the activity of the entity.

Group 3 – subsidy of students of schools of arts, young artists and artists-beginners, artistic bodies of children and youth – 20 % of the total sum financed for young artists who are main bearers of alternative streams in culture.

Group 4 – multi-year grants (maximum 4-year long) – 30 % of the total sum financed will be assigned to multi-year grants.[1]





TOTAL No. of projects applied for

Sum demanded

Expressed in percentage from 200 millions




GROUP 1 - subsidy per ticket– 25 %






GROUP 2 - subsidy of artistic activity of entities, projects of presentation Prague culture abroad, projects of international co-operation and projects of non-professional art – 25%


(18 reclassified from group 4)


21.555 %


(18 reclassified from group 4)


GROUP 3 - subsidy of students of schools of arts, young artists and artists-beginners, artistic bodies of children and youth – 20%






GROUP 4 - multi-year grants (maximum 4-year long) – 30%




9.825 %


(18 reclassified into group 2)









All subsidies in the grant group No.1 were assigned in the “de minimis” mode, i.e. that the amount credited this way does not exceed the amount of 200,000 Euro in the exchange rate in force at the date of approval by the appropriate body of the Capital Prague in the period of 3 subsequent years.




Overview of existing multi-year grants assigned earlier up to the year 2010



in y. 2008

in CZK

in y. 2009

in CZK

in y. 2010

in CZK

Pražské komorní divadlo s.r.o.

Granted in 2006

4-year grant - Pražské komorní divadlo/Prague Chamber Theatre in the Theatre of Comedy in period from 2006  until 31.12.2009










Divadlo Na Fidlovačce, s.r.o.

Granted in 2006

4-year grant – Artistic and cultural activity of the Theatre Na Fidlovačce 2006 – 31.12.2009










Dejvické divadlo, o.p.s.

Granted in 2006

4-year grant - Whole-year activity of Dejvice Theatre 2006 – 31.12.2009











Granted in 2006

4-year grant – Artistic operation of Akropolis Palace 2006 – 31.12.2009










Pražská komorní filharmonie, o.p.s.

Granted in 2006

4-year grant - Pražská komorní filharmonie, o.p.s./Prague Chamber Philharmonic Orchestra – activity in years 2006 – 31.12.2009










TANEC PRAHA, civic association

Granted in 2006

4-year grant - PONEC 2006 – 31.12.2009










Činoherní klub, o.p.s.

Granted in 2007

4-year grant for the operation of the Činoherní klub 2007 - 2010





In the group No. 4 – multi-year grant – from total 34 applications for multi-year grants there were 18 applications submitted for theatre, 5 for music, 7 for fine art, 3 for dance and 1 in the category of others.

The committee recommended only 3 multi-year grants for theatres (1 transformed allowance organisation of the municipality, 1 transformed allowance organisation of the municipal district, 1 theatre for children), none for music and on the contrary newly 3 for the field of fine art, 2 for the art of dance and motion and 1 in the category of others (working with handicapped persons).


Group No. 4 – multi-year grants assigned in the year 2008




Number of years times the sum of the grant in CZK thousands

Společnost pro taneční a múzickou výchovu

Duncan Centre Theatre


Česká komora tlumočníků znakového jazyka o. s.

Establishment of the network of performances interpreted into finger-language for the deaf



Alfred ve dvoře/Alfred in the courtyard – stage for a new theatre


Divadlo Archa, o.p.s

Theatre Archa, o.p.s. 2008 - 2011


Buchty a loutky

Theatre Buchty a loutky 2008-2011



Otevřené ateliéry/Open ateliers - Školská 28



Subsidy for dramaturgical programme of the Kulturní Jižní Město o.p.s./Cultural Southern Town company


Leica Gallery Prague, o.p.s.

Vy – my/You - Us - photographs


Centre for Central European Architecture

Urbanita twenty years after that




Examples of subsidised projects in the year 2008:

Prague Chamber Theatre Ltd. in the Theatre of Comedy, Teatr Novogo Fronta, A studio Rubín, Semafor, Ungelt, Branické Theatre, Veselé skoky, Studio Citadela – Bohnická Theatre Company, The Summer Shakespeare Celebrations, Czech Theatre 2008, 4 + 4 days in motion, GONG DĚTEM – Theatre for children and youth, “Alfred ve dvoře” – stage for a new theatre 2008, Fringe Festival Prague, Mezi ploty/Among fences, Letní Letná/Summer Letná, Rock Café Club, Archa Theatre, Theatre Bez zábradlí, DS Kašpar, Theatre of Forman brothers on the Boat of Secret, projects in Experimental space of Roxy-NOD, Činoherní klub, Theatre Na Fidlovačce, Establishment of the network of performances interpreted into finger-language for the deaf, festivals, Mene Tekel, Fringe Festival Prague, Prague Dramatic Festival of German language, Slovak Theatre in Prague, 9 bran, ZLOMVAZ 2008
and others.


Field of dance

The first and so far the sole scene for contemporary dance art throughout the Czech Republic operates in the City of Prague – Theatre Ponec. The Capital of Prague subsidised its operation by a four-year grant - in the year 2008 5,000 thousand CZK was paid out. The Theatre Duncan Centre obtained two-year grant, in the year 2008 550 thousand CZK was assigned. Other 41 projects in this field were subsidised by one-year grants in the total amount of 5,176,581 CZK.

The City of Prague assumed the partnership in the field of culture and leisure time in the year 2008; in the framework of the partnership the City of Prague assigned donations in the total amount of 1,970 thousand CZK to five independent entities in the field of dance art.


Examples of subsidised projects:

Operation of dance group DOT 504, operation of dance group VerTeDance, operation of dance group NANOHACH, operation of the Prague Ballet – Prague Chamber Ballet of Pavel Šmok, 420people, Špalíček – Bohuslav Martinů, Česká taneční platforma/Czech Dance Platform 2008, Tanec Praha/Dance Prague 2008, Festival ProART, International choreographic competition Jarmila Jeřábková’s Prize 2008 and Festival of New Europe.


Field of music

In the year 2008 the City of Prague subsidised independent entities that operate in this field in the City of Prague, namely one project was subsidised by a four-year grant – whole-year artistic activity of the Pražská komorní filharmonie/Prague Chamber Philharmonic Orchestra in the amount of 6,300 thousand CZK, next ninety seven projects were subsidised with one-year grants.

The City of Prague assumed the partnership in the field of culture and leisure time in the year 2008; in the framework of the partnership the City of Prague assigned donations in the total amount of 30,505 thousand CZK to forty five in the field of music.


Examples of subsidised projects:

Prague Spring 2008, Agharta Prague Jazz Festival, Kytara napříč žánry/Guitar across genres 2008, Bohemia Jazz Fest – Prague, Romany festival KHAMORO 2008, international festival Struny podzimu/Strings of Autumn 2008.


Examples of subsidised projects in the field of alternative music:

Alternativa 2008, Khamoro 2008, Other music 2008, festival of ethnic music and world music RESPECT 2008 and whole-year display Respect Plus, Slet bubeníků 2008, Czech Music on The Road, United Islands of Prague 2008, Indian summer in Psychiatric hospital Bohnice, International woman weekend, Contempuls-festival of contemporary music, Stimul festival.



Matters of interest:

In the field of music for the summer period Prague subsidised the international project Jazz Bridge form Prague to EU 2008, international music festival Bohemia Jazzfest – Prague, 9th international music festival Summer celebrations of old music, Summer jazz workshop Prague 2008, Ad honorem Mozart 2008 - Certamen iuvenum opera Mozartiana canentium sollemne - festival with competition for young Mozart singers, Musical walks in Troja and Botanical gardens, concert series of Rejch’s chamber celebrations and 13th year of Prague Music Summer of the sightless.

In the pre-Christmas period the City of Prague provided the donation in total amount of 400,000 CZK for purchasing of seven musical performances for seniors called Fireworks of melodies from opera and musical that were held in November and December in premises of Aventinum, Praha 1, Purkyňova 4. The series of performances Fireworks of melodies from opera and musical was donated to elderly Prague citizens as a worthwhile variegation of their lives and they could visit them for free.

The City of Prague provided the donation to Civic association of parents, students and friends of Jaroslav Ježek’s Conservatory in the amount of 350 thousand CZK for organisation of concerts in the Prague House in Brussels on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the Conservatory.

In their continual activities the following were subsidised: Rock Café Club by the amount of 2,016 thousand CZK and Culture House Kaštan-stage of Unijazz by the amount of 800 thousand CZK.


Field of film art and audio-vision

In the year 2008 the City of Prague subsidised the following entities operating in the City of Prague in the field of film art and audio-vision:







100,000 CZK

Bollywwood o.s.

Festival of Bollywood film

60,000 CZK

Člověk v tísni o.p..s.

Jeden svět/One world

1,000,000 CZK

Music on Film, o.s.

Music On FilmFil on Music

350,000 CZK



1,000,000 CZK

FEBIOFEST, s. r. o.

15th year of international review of film, television and video FEBIOFEST 2008

2,500,000 CZK


15th Days of European film

450,000 CZK

Czech television

45th international television festival Golden Prague

300,000 CZK

Gambit Factory s,r.o

2nd video Art Festival Prague 2008

500,000 CZK


The City of Prague provided the donation to the O.S. TEENAGEŘI, DĚTI & KAMERY in the amount of 600 thousand CZK for implementation of documentary project Daughters of political prisoners of 1950s.


Examples of subsidised projects:

Days of European film 2008, Febiofest 2008, Music on Film – Film on Music, Jeden svět/One world 2008, Golden Prague International Television Festival, Gay a lesbian festival Mezipatra, Famufest, 2nd video Art Festival Prague 2008, Febiofest 2008, Festival of bollywood film, Norse films in the cinema Oko – also for the deaf etc.


Matters of interest:

In year 2008 the City of Prague continued in long-term grant support of reviews organised by the independent cinema AERO, which operates in the municipal district of Prague 3 and whose entrepreneur is “Association for support and development of AERO cinema, civic association”. As a part of such support also the project MET IN HD-live film transmissions from Metropolitan opera in New York was subsidised. Also independent cinemas Světozor were subsidised by the grant of the City of Prague – e.g. in the project Documentary Monday and Bio Oko.




Field of fine art:

Examples of subsidised projects from the field of fine art: Residential and whole-year programme of the Centre for contemporary art FUTURA, Zlatý řez, s-r.o. European prize for architecture / Mies van der Rohe Award- exhibition of finalists, Prague Museum Night 2008, Czech Press Photo 2008, Designblok –10th year of days of design in Prague, Exhibition activities of the Gallery AVU, MeetFactory- Wave 35 for young artists, Erection of the monument to homage of Karel Hašler etc.


Matters of interest:

The City of Prague provided the donation in the amount of 4,000 thousand CZK to the Endowment fund ELEUTHERIA for conservation of paintings and sculptures, financing the exhibition and the catalogue.

The City of Prague provided the donation to the National technical museum in the amount of 8 thousand CZK for salvage of paper archive documents destroyed by the flood in 2002, next the donation in the amount of 50 thousand CZK for Mladá fronta, a. s., in favour of literary competition for the Prize of Jiří Orten.

The City of Prague provided the donation in the amount 1,500 thousand CZK to První Všeobecná Člunovací Společnost, s. r. o., for operation of Charles' Bridge Museum in year 2008.

[1]    Sum for four-year grants for the year 2008 results only from grants already approved in the past period and represents 68 mil. CZK.

[2]    30 % = 68 mil. CZK, which were distributed among four-year grants in the past period and the City of Prague is contractually obliged to pay them off.

19. března 2009
19. března 2009