About the Department
Head of the Department
- MgA. Jiří Sulženko, Ph.D.
- phone: +420 236 00 2507, e-mail: Jiri.Sulzenko@praha.eu
The Department of Culture and Tourism is a department of Prague City Hall established for the sectors of culture, tourism and national minorities.
Address: Palace ADRIA, Praha 1, Nové Město, Jungmannova 36/31, 111 21 Praha 1, Czech republic
Mailing address: City of Prague, Prague City Hall, Department of Culture and Tourism, Jungmannova 35/29, 111 21 Praha 1, Czech Republic
Data Box: 48ia97h
Tourism Unit
Name | Position | Telephone | |
Ing. Iveta Jechová | Head of Tourism Unit | +420 236 00 4365 | Iveta.Jechova@praha.eu |
Ing. Veronika Bečárová | Tourism specialist | +420 236 00 3133 | Veronika.Becarova@praha.eu |
Mgr. Andrea Skorkovská | Tourism specialist | +420 236 00 2953 | Andrea.Skorkovska@praha.eu |
Culture Unit
Name | Position | Telephone | |
MgA. Kateřina Hakenová | Head of Culture Unit | +420 236 00 2006 | Katerina.Hakenova@praha.eu |
Mgr. Barbora Landová | Conceptual culture specialist | +420 236 00 2241 | Barbora.Landova@praha.eu |
Mgr. Bohuslava Fuxová | Conceptual culture specialist | +420 236 00 2602 | Bohuslava.Fuxova@praha.eu |
Mgr. Jana Lapáčková | Conceptual culture specialist | +420 236 00 2079 | Jana.Lapackova@praha.eu |
Mgr. Daniela Jánová | Culture coordinator | +420 236 00 2055 | Daniela.Janova@praha.eu |
Mgr. Kateřina Opatrná | Conceptual culture specialist, creative industry | +420 236 00 3162 | Katerina.Buresova@praha.eu |
PhDr. Lenka Svobodová Grossová | Conceptual culture specialist | +420 236 00 2528 | Lenka.Svobodova@praha.eu |
Ing. Jakub Nekolný | Specialist for EU projects | +420 236 00 2541 | Jakub.Nekolny@praha.eu |
Tamara Hegerová | Conceptual culture specialist | +420 236 00 3125 | Tamara.Hegerova@praha.eu |
National Minorities Unit
Name | Position | Telephone | |
Mgr. Jana Hajná | Head of Minorities Unit | +420 236 00 2599 | Jana.Hajna@praha.eu |
Ilona Fiedlerová | National minorities specialist | +420 236 00 2647 | Ilona.Fiedlerova@praha.eu |
Bc. Jan Dužda | Roma coordinator | +420 236 00 2468 | Jan.Duzda@praha.eu |
Mgr. Jan Janoušek | Foreigners integration specialist | +420 236 00 5251 | Jan.Janousek@praha.eu |
Ing. Michal Panocha | National minorities specialist | +420 236 00 4645 | Michal.Panocha@praha.eu |
Bc. Anna Fišerová | Specialist in Adaptation-Integration Strategy for Ukrainian Refugees | +420 236 00 5397 | Anna.Fiserova@praha.eu |
Bc. Lidiia Hrosych | Specialist in Adaptation-Integration Strategy for Ukrainian Refugees | Lidiia.Hrosych@praha.eu | |
Mgr. Geti Mubeenová | Coordinator in Adaptation-Integration Strategy for Ukrainian Refugees | Geti.Mubeenova@praha.eu |
Economic and Legal Unit
Name | Position | Telephone | |
Ing. Pavla Vintíšková | Head of Economic Unit | +420 236 00 2289 | Pavla.Vintiskova@praha.eu |
Jiřina Koberová | Economist | +420 236 00 2843 | Jirina.Koberova@praha.eu |
Ing. Klaudie Lambevová | Economist | +420 236 00 2709 | Klaudie.Lambevova@praha.eu |
Mgr. Radana Lišková | Lawyer | +420 236 00 2833 | Radana.Liskova@praha.eu |
Secretariat Unit
Name | Position | Telephone | |
Ing. Jana Davidová | Head of Secretariat Unit | +420 236 00 3272 | Jana.Davidova@praha.eu |
Anna Bendová | Culture officer, secretary | +420 236 00 2914 | Anna.Bendova@praha.eu |
Bc. Barbora Brabcová | Secretary | +420 236 00 2414 | Barbora.Brabcova@praha.eu |
Ing. Monika Dolejšová | Contractor, Controller | +420 236 00 2044 | Monika.Dolejsova@praha.eu |