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Celkem záznamů: 351797
Villa Winternitz exhibits unique models of Adolf Loos’ buildings

31.5.2019 — In Villa Winternitz in Smíchov, Prague, you can currently visit an exhibition of models of constructions by the world-famous architect Adolf Loos, by the Japanese professor Yoshio Sakurai and his students.

Prague will host international pole vault hall meeting

30.1.2019 — One of the most attractive athletic disciplines - the pole vault - will be presented at the international hall meeting Zimní Pražská tyčka on the 9th of February in Strahov. Zimní Pražská tyčka has been held yearly since 1996 and is a sister competition to the international athletics meeting Pražská tyčka. Of course, the best Czech athletes always take part in both meetings.

POLITIKA: Vypukl boj o 450 000 voličských hlasů

12.9.2017 — Zdroj: neviditelnypes.lidovky.cz | Kategorie: Zprávy Vydavatel: MAFRA, a.s. Autor: Eva Kislingerová 12. září 2017, 0:00

Prague Airport

8.8.2017 — Václav Havel Airport Prague handles over 13 million passengers a year and the number is still increasing. More than 60 airline companies connect Prague with over 140 destinations worldwide.



Rozhovor s pražským primátorem Zdeňkem Hřibem

22.7.2020 — Datum vydání: 22.07.2020, Zdroj: ČT 24 | Rubrika: 18:25 Interview ČT24 | Téma: Zdeněk Hřib

The Royal Game Preserve (Královská obora – Stromovka)

5.6.2007 — nová verze - s mapkami - v přípravě!