Další možnost hledání naleznete zde: Úřední deska, Adresář zaměstnanců, Služby úřadu, Seznam zastupitelů, Zasedání zastupitelstva, Usnesení zastupitelstva, Usnesení rady , Evidence smluv
Vyhledané záznamy
Celkem záznamů: 17868
Crossové dráhy
4.3.2010 — Stručný přehled drah, které nabízejí možnost cyklocrossových závodů.
Tourism in Prague in 2024
7.3.2025 —
Zápis ze 7.jednání protidrogové komise Rady HMP
21.10.2003 — ze dne 9.10.2003
Zimní humanitární opatření v Praze vstoupila do druhé poloviny
14.2.2024 — Zimní humanitární opatření pro lidi bez domova, která hlavní město zahájilo 1. prosince 2023, budou fungovat až do 31. března 2024. Město letos posílilo terénní služby a navýšilo oproti loňsku také počet lůžek pro lidi bez domova z 598 na 620. Vůbec poprvé byla také zajištěna krizová lůžka v nemocnicích. A to v Nemocnici Na Františku a v Nemocnici následné péče ve Vysočanech. Koordinátorem této pomoci je příspěvková organizace města Centrum sociálních služeb Praha.
Praha začala očkovat lidi bez domova jednorázovou vakcínou přímo v terénu
13.7.2021 — Hlavní město ve spolupráci s Armádou spásy, Nadějí a Drop Inem spustilo očkování lidí bez přístřeší jednodávkovou vakcínou Janssen přímo v terénu. Po řadě jednání v minulých týdnech k tomu dalo svolení ministerstvo zdravotnictví. Tam, kde stát neproplatí aplikaci očkovací látky, zajistí úhradu Praha.
Annotare in Corde
13.11.2024 —
Aerobiological monitoring of air in Prague
21.6.2007 — The Prague Pollen Monitoring Station of the Czech Pollen Information Service was put into operation in March 1993. The graphs presented demonstrate concentrations of the most significant airborne pollen allergens in Prague air during the last six years.
Statistics 2014
12.5.2014 —
Short History of Prague in Dates
27.3.2008 —
Drinking water quality
25.7.2005 —
I Need to Address…
17.12.2012 —
Prague Environment 2017 - Text Summary
20.5.2019 —
Bioindication environmental monitoring – regular monitoring of living organisms at selected localities
21.6.2007 — Certain plants and animals reacts to the growing load in a more sensitive manner than humans, they allow to register effects and assess the level of acceptability of local conditions to human population in advance /text based on the chapter Regular monitoring of living organisms at selected localities (bioindication monitoring) published in yearbook Prague Environment 2006/.
The City of Prague and Local Agenda 21
20.6.2007 —
List of Memorial trees in Prague
21.6.2007 —
Statistics 2018
17.5.2019 — Statistics 2018
International co-operation
26.5.2006 —
Discover Prague through Michael W. Pospíšil’s photographs
8.6.2020 — L'Institut français de Prague (French Institute of Prague) is holding an exhibition called 'Prague etc...' by Czech-French photographer Michael W. Pospíšil until the 4th of July. The exhibition is held at Gallery 35 on Štěpánská Street, part of the French Institute which supports connection between French and Czech art.
Changes to Prague public transport in autumn and winter
31.10.2019 — Prague's integrated public transport system will soon undergo several changes. The development of the D metro line and new tram lines, large-capacity, convenient and comfortable transport, remains a priority. As regards bus lines, the city of Prague is preparing to adjust timetables in response to occupancy issues, especially in the quiet months of January and February, in order to make bus transport more effective.
Prague Golf Challenge tournament in Zbraslav
6.5.2019 — Prague Golf Challenge is part of the European Challenge Tour, which is the second-tier men's professional golf tour in Europe.
Statistics 2016
21.5.2015 —
Prague Zoo bringing vultures back to Bulgaria
15.9.2019 — For a long time, Prague Zoo has been involved in the project of returning Egyptian vultures (Neophron percnopterus) to the Balkans, which was once their natural habitat.
Statistics 2017
21.5.2015 — Statistics 2017
Statistics 2015
21.5.2015 —
Summer art exhibition in the Škoda Palace
9.7.2020 — This summer, you can admire the painter Eva Erbsová's works in the lobby of the Škoda Palace. The painter exhibits regularly in the Škoda Palace, one of Prague City Hall's buildings, in recent years. This time, she selected paintings inspired by exhibits of the National Technical Museum in Prague in Letná.
Josef Sudek Gallery presents an exhibition of unique photos from Carpathian Ruthenia
19.1.2019 — Podkarpatská Rus (Carpathian Ruthenia), an exhibition of photos by Bohumil Vavrouška, will be open in the Josef Sudek Gallery, a branch of the Prague Museum of Decorative Arts, until 27th January 2019.
Women in the post office
31.1.2020 — Women in Czech lands started working in the postal industry as early as the 16th century. How did it work back then and how did the position of women in the postal industry develop alongside that of men? You can find answers to these questions in the Postal Museum in Prague at an exhibition called 'Women in the Post Office' ('Ženy na poště').
Sheep and goats graze in Prague
1.5.2019 — Recently, two flocks of sheep and goats have been grazing in and around Prague's green areas. The third flock will be added soon, and all three flocks will graze in the selected locations until October.
Environmental education and awareness (EEA) in the City of Prague
21.6.2007 — the text based on the chapter Environmental education and awareness (EEA) in the City of Prague published in yearbooks Prague Environment 2005 and Prague Environment 2004