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Vyhledané záznamy
Celkem záznamů: 17869
Important Cultural Events in Prague
22.3.2009 —
International dance project in Studio ALTA will bring comic relief
29.6.2020 — On the 2nd and 3rd of July, Studio ALTA will present 'How Things Go', the first joint project by the newly formed duo Felix Baumann (DE) and Sean Henderson (US/ CH). Baumann and Henderson brilliantly combine dance, physical and visual theatre. In 'How Things Go', the two performers' encounters with various objects cause a chain reaction, which inevitably leads to chaos. However, they do not give up or lose their sense of humour, and the audience laughs with them. Witnessing such creative yet futile efforts makes you think of comedians like Buster Keaton, Charlie Chaplin and the Czech animated slapstick pair Pat & Mat.
Khamoro – World Roma Festival
22.5.2018 — This year's event promises an exceptional program full of musical happenings! The 20th Khamoro Festival will present contemporary and traditional Roma culture during an intensive week full of music, dance, theater and other events from May 27th to June 2nd in Prague.
Old Town Hall to open on Monday with 50% admission discount
10.5.2020 — The Old Town Hall will reopen after two months, at 11am on Monday the 11th of May. There will be a 50% discount on admission and guided tours will be available by appointment from the 25th of May.
Cars on Smetanovo Embankment to be replaced by beer gardens and terraces
22.5.2020 — Following in the footsteps of great cities such as Barcelona, Paris, Brussels, New York and Berlin, the city of Prague is planning to create more public space for pedestrians. The first new pedestrian zone will be created in part of the Smetanovo Embankment ('Smetanovo nábřeží'). Car traffic towards Křížovnické Square near Charles Bridge will go through Divadelní and Karoliny Světlé streets instead.
7.2.2007 — Pozvánka do Paláce Akropolis
San Francisco Symphony - mimořádný koncert
19.3.2014 —
Publikační činnost prom. hist. Ivana Rady
19.9.2011 —
Míšeňská 12, čp. 66
1.9.2005 —
6.6.2022 —
V Praze se koná mezinárodní konference v rámci projektu LNet - Evropská učící se síť
1.10.2007 — Ve Velkém jednacím sále na Nové radnici se dnes koná mezinárodní konference v rámci projektu LNet - The European Learning Network : Promoting enterprise in deprived urban areas: can it work in Prague and Milan ? - Podpora podnikání v sociálně vyloučených městských oblastech: osvědčí se to v Praze a v Miláně? Krátkým proslovem ji zahájila náměstkyně primátora hlavního města Prahy Markéta Reedová.
Land balance and registration of greenery - the register of lands and greenery
26.5.2006 — Informace z ročenky Praha životní prostředí 2005
Ice skating Ring Information
22.12.2018 —
Přehled registrovaných významných krajinných prvků
10.5.2005 — informace z RŽP 2004
24.11.2022 —
Traditional Christmas Exhibition at the Charles Bridge Museum
31.12.2019 — The life-sized nativity scene made from straw by the Polish artist Andrzej Wrzecionko, a Vltava fish nativity scene registered in the Czech Book of Records, an African themed nativity scene made from ebony wood, a nautical-themed nativity scene, and a nativity scene made from corn husk are just a few of the unique creations that you can see at the traditional Christmas exhibition at the Charles Bridge Museum. This year, apart from nativity scenes, you will also have the opportunity to learn about the history of Christmas music as part of the exhibition.
TISKOVÁ ZPRÁVA: RESPECT PLUS – TINARIWEN /Mali/ – 8. 3. 2007 v 19:30
8.2.2007 — Pozvánka do Paláce Akropolis
Dopolední program
6.4.2009 —
Aktuality title
21.2.2014 — Pellentesque vitae tincidunt erat. Sed porttitor ante purus, vitae laoreet odio consequat ut. Praesent eget velit eu purus varius luctus at id enim.
Aktuality title
21.2.2014 — Pellentesque vitae tincidunt erat. Sed porttitor ante purus, vitae laoreet odio consequat ut. Praesent eget velit eu purus varius luctus at id enim.
Aktuality title
21.2.2014 — Pellentesque vitae tincidunt erat. Sed porttitor ante purus, vitae laoreet odio consequat ut. Praesent eget velit eu purus varius luctus at id enim.
Aktuality title
21.2.2014 — Pellentesque vitae tincidunt erat. Sed porttitor ante purus, vitae laoreet odio consequat ut. Praesent eget velit eu purus varius luctus at id enim.
Aktuality title
21.2.2014 — Pellentesque vitae tincidunt erat. Sed porttitor ante purus, vitae laoreet odio consequat ut. Praesent eget velit eu purus varius luctus at id enim.
Festival EuroArt Praha / Swiss Piano trio
16.5.2016 —
Explore Prague Botanical Garden with all your senses!
31.7.2019 — For twenty-two years, Prague Botanical Garden held an exhibition that visitors could enjoy with all their senses in its exhibition hall. This year, however, is different. A project that enables the appreciation of various aspects of nature for visitors with special needs is spread throughout the whole area of outdoor expositions. We visited these fourteen stops, where you can explore nature not only by sight, but also by smell, touch and hearing.
Kupony na pražskou MHD je nově možné zakoupit také v jízdenkových automatech v metru
22.1.2024 — Oranžové jízdenkové automaty ve stanicích pražského metra Dopravní podnik hl. m. Prahy (DPP) rozšířil o další funkcionalitu. Cestující si v nich kromě jízdenek krátkodobých či pro jednotlivou jízdu nově mohou zakoupit také libovolný typ elektronického kuponu na MHD v Praze.
TISKOVÁ ZPRÁVA: OTHER MUSIC 07 – ZITA SWOON (Belgie), 9. 3. 2007 v 19:30
9.2.2007 — Pozvánka na koncert do Paláce Akropolis
Restoration of tower clocks on historic Prague buildings
19.5.2020 — The tower clocks on seventeen of Prague's major historic buildings will be restored this year.
Special Prague Symphony Orchestra concert in the Municipal House
15.6.2020 — Prague Symphony Orchestra, also known as FOK, which stands for Film Opera Koncert, will hold a special concert in the Municipal House's Smetana Hall. The concert will be the orchestra's first after the coronavirus break and will take place at 7:30 pm on Tuesday, the 23rd of June. The orchestra will be directed by Pietari Inkinen. Sibelius' tone poem 'Finlandia' Op. 26 and Dvořák's Symphony No. 9 in E minor Op. 95 'From the New World' will be on the evening's programme. This is will Inkinen's final concert as chief conductor of FOK, with his typical combination of Finnish and Czech music.
18.1.2016 —
Traffic measures on the Malešická Street
23.2.2020 — From the 24th of February to the end of July 2020, Malešická Street in Prague 10 will be closed to public and private transport between the intersection with K Červenému dvoru Street and the intersection with Olgy Havlové Street due to major reconstructions in this section.
Automobilová doprava v hl.m. Praze, 1999-2003
29.4.2005 — Automobilová doprava, 1999-2003 - tabulka (z ročenky Praha ŽP 2004)
Dopravní omezení při Vltavském maratonu in-line 2008
20.6.2008 — V sobotu 21. června 2008 se v Praze koná sportovní akce Vltavský maraton in-line 2008, která si vyžádá určitá dopravní opatření. V době od 8 do 17 hodin bude uzavřeno Podolské nábř. v úseku Podolská – Jeremenkova a ulice Modřanská v úseku Jeremenkova – Branická v obou pruzích jízdního pásu směrem z centra. V těchto úsecích bude provoz veden obousměrně ve dvoupruhovém jízdním pásu pro směr do centra. Žádáme motoristy o pochopení a respektování pokynů policistů a strážníků, kteří budou na bezpečnost v těchto lokalitách dohlížet.
Praha schválila nové podmínky svozu bioodpadu od roku 2025, změna je součástí přechodu služeb svozu odpadu do režimu in-house
4.9.2024 — Praha se domluvila se společností Pražské služby na svozu bioodpadu od roku 2025 v režimu in-house.
Drug treatment establishments in Prague
18.6.2009 —
Anita Lindahl Trosdahl
15.11.2021 —