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Celkem záznamů: 2043
Grantová komise navrhla rozdělení kulturních grantů, posuzovala 787 žádostí

2.12.2020 — Komise pro udělování grantů hl. m. Prahy v oblasti kultury a umění složená z expertů připravila návrh rozdělení grantové podpory pro rok 2021. Do grantového řízení bylo zasláno celkem 787 žádostí o grant, z toho 60 o víceletý a 727 o jednoletý. Navrženo k podpoře bylo 525 projektů. Na rok 2021 se navrhuje rozdělit mezi žadatele 330 milionů korun, z toho 102 milionů korun na jednoleté projekty a 228 milionů korun na víceleté projekty. Návrh komise nyní projedná Výbor pro kulturu Zastupitelstva hl. m. Prahy a následně Rada hl. m. Prahy.

Do not miss the exhibition of state gifts in the Senate

24.3.2019 — In the 'Mytologická chodba' (Mythological Corridor) of the 'Valdštejnský palác' (Wallenstein Palace), which is the seat of the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, there is a unique exhibition of gifts that Senators have received from foreign delegations over the past twenty years. Gift exchanges are a traditional part of meetings of state officials with delegations from abroad. This diplomatic protocol was applied in Antiquity and its first written record is from the Congress of Vienna in 1815.

Prague City Gallery as a welcome space for foreign visitors

23.1.2019 — Foreign visitors are a very important target group for Prague City Gallery. What can the Gallery offer them? Foreign visitors include individual tourists as well as group tours, school tours and students from abroad, and also guests that the gallery invites when cooperating with foreign institutions and on international projects. The main points of interest for foreign visitors are the architectural and historic Gallery buildings in the heart of the capital and the fascinating exhibitions. However, it is not only Prague City Gallery's exhibitions that make it the most accommodating institution, but also its educational work, and the smooth-running of the gallery.