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Celebrations for giraffes and elephants in Prague Zoo
20.6.2020 — The weekend of the 21st and the 22nd of June will be dedicated to large African mammals in Prague Zoo. World Giraffe Day celebrations and a baby elephant christening will take place here. World Giraffe Day falls on the 21st of June, the longest day of the year, but it will be celebrated in Prague Zoo on Saturday, the 20th of June, this year. The Giraffe Conservation Foundation, who announced this day, protects and monitors these incredible mammals in the wild. Zoos celebrate giraffes on this day all around the world.
Municipal Library of Prague opens to the public!
8.5.2020 — Selected branches of the Municipal Library of Prague opened to the public on Tuesday the 5th of May. However, health and safety measure must still be followed. Despite the government's decision to allow public libraries to open from the 27th of April, some libraries, such as the Municipal Library of Prague, were surprised by this decision and were not ready to open so soon.
Návrh na placení za SPZ vznikl na základě podnětu zaslaného na Protikorupční portál
16.4.2008 — „V Praze je možné získat pod rukou vybranou státní poznávací značku,“ uvedl autor podnětu, který přišel v říjnu loňského roku na Protikorupční portál hl. m. Prahy. Magistrát reagoval jednak elektronizací agendy značek, jednak návrhem, aby si každý mohl vybranou státní poznávací značku koupit.
Mafie se brání, říká primátor Hudeček k posudkům v kauze Opencard
1.8.2014 — lidovky.cz | 1.8.2014 | Rubrika: Lidovky / Domov | Strana: 0 | Autor: Lidové noviny, Ondřej Koutník | Téma: Volené orgány - Primátor - Tomáš Hudeček
Nebudu se ucházet o post lídra v nadcházejících komunálních volbách
11.4.2018 — Zdroj: parlamentnilisty.cz | Kategorie: Zprávy Vydavatel: OUR MEDIA, a.s. 11. dubna 2018, 15:36
Procedures for homeless people this winter
30.11.2019 — Actions to help homeless people survive the freezing weather are starting to take place in Prague this winter. Unlike in previous years, the city is allowing people with dogs to stay warm at night, whereas they were previously refused in dormitories. There are also more facilities available for those with health issues. The municipal police are taking part in the winter measures along with the social services.
Uncover the story of the Wels family in Villa Winternitz
21.9.2020 — The 'No night so dark' exhibition, which takes place in the Villa Winternitz until the 29th of November, will introduce you to the story of the First Republic architect Rudolf Wels' family. The story of the Wels family is a story that should not be forgotten. There is no better setting for the exhibition, as Rudolf Wels was a disciple of the famous architect Adolf Loose, who designed Villa Winternitz.
Troja Château hosts an exhibition of statues and art objects
2.9.2019 — Until the 3rd of November, an exhibition of Prague City Gallery 'Aleš Hnízdil, Jiří Kačer - Sculptures and Objects' is taking place in Troja Château in Prague 7. Both artists' work is exhibited inside the chateau and in the Baroque garden.
Prague Castle hosts an art exhibition from the era of Wenceslas IV of Bohemia
19.9.2019 — An exhibition dedicated to the 600th anniversary of the birth of the Czech king Wenceslas IV (Václav IV.) is on in the Imperial Stables of Prague Castle until the 3rd of November. It will display the era of his rule, as well as Gothic art and architecture from around 1400 AD.
British singer Jade Bird presents self-titled debut album in Prague
29.2.2020 — British musician Jade Bird will play her style of American folk music at NoD Roxy club in Prague on the 2nd of March. This will be her first performance in the Czech Republic. British singer-songwriter Jade Elizabeth Bird is rapidly becoming one of the most interesting young, female voices in music. She has distinctive vocals and strong melodies, and brilliantly interprets American folk for European ears.
Prague Zoo exhibition captures the beauty of Przewalski’s horses
31.10.2020 — Do not despair if you missed the exhibition 'The Beauty of Wild Horses' in Prague Zoo before its closure. The garden has prepared an online version of the exhibition, which is now available on their website. Prague Zoo has played an important role in saving Przewalski's horse from extinction since 1921, and more recently, in returning these wild horses to their natural habitat, the steppes of central Asia. The zoo also keeps a breed registry for Przewalski's horse species.
Pražské střední školy si do roku 2027 rozdělí až 1,2 miliardy korun na modernizace svých prostor
20.6.2022 — Celkem až 1,2 miliardy korun získají pražské střední školy, vyšší odborné školy a konzervatoře na modernizaci učeben, poradenských pracovišť nebo školních klubů pro žáky víceletých gymnázií. Finanční prostředky mohou školy čerpat do roku 2027 z Integrovaného regionálního operačního programu (IROP). Do něj se dostanou školy, které byly schváleny v programu Regionální akční plán (RAP). Jeho návrh připravil Pražský inovační institut (Pii) a ve čtvrtek jej schválilo Zastupitelstvo hl. m. Prahy.
Masarykova střední škola chemická získala moderní kotelnu díky městské společnosti Teplo pro Prahu
5.10.2023 — Městská společnost Teplo pro Prahu má za sebou jeden z prvních úspěšných projektů. V rámci Strategie teplárenství hlavního města Prahy byla ve středu slavnostně spuštěna moderní kotelna v Masarykově střední škole chemické, kterou zřizuje hlavní město. Kotelnu vybudovala městská společnost společně se školou. Cena realizace je přibližně 4 miliony korun.
City of Prague acknowledges blood donors at Prague Symphony Orchestra (FOK) gala concert
30.9.2019 — The Czech capital wants to thank blood donors by inviting them to the first of three Prague Symphony Orchestra (FOK) concerts at the end of September. City representatives and representatives of the Czech Red Cross Regional Organisation (CRC) will also receive the Jánský Gold Medal, which is traditionally given to donors who give blood 40 times. Subsequent concerts are scheduled for February and May next year.
Porcelain Flowers for the Century of Czechoslovakia
30.11.2018 — Unique technique of cut printing created flowers for the republic.
Modemy, stravování, technická pomoc i poradenství. Praha pomáhá s distanční výukou
10.11.2020 — Hlavní město Praha i při druhé vlně pandemie nemoci COVID-19 věnuje zvýšenou pozornost pomoci rodičům a dětem, které jsou nyní kvůli vládním nařízením odkázány na distanční výuku. V provozu nadále zůstávají pouze mateřské školy.
Prestigious canoe slalom races culminate in Troja, Prague
5.9.2019 — From the 6th to the 8th of September, Prague will host the ICF Canoe Slalom World Cup finals. The series of top-class canoe slalom races will culminate at the artificial canoe slalom course in Troja, along with the Extreme Canoe Slalom CSLX World Championships 2019.
Summer cinema in the Karlín Barracks
23.7.2020 — The large courtyard of the former barracks in Karlín in Prague is being used as an unusual open-air cinema for the second year. Summer cinema Kasárna Karlín (Karlín Barracks) screens classic movies both from the Czech Republic and abroad, as well as experimental films, from June to September.
Masks for Prague
25.3.2020 — The lack of face masks in Prague has led to a huge wave of solidarity, as people make marks at home and give them to their fellow citizens. However, masks must be sterilised and effectively distributed.
Prague Improvisation Orchestra’s experimental project in Fair Trade Palace in Prague
23.11.2019 — The event will include many musicians, microphones, speakers, and tape recorders, and spectators will be able to move freely among them. The project will resemble a live installation.