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Vyhledané záznamy
Celkem záznamů: 18344
Kampaň „Ne! v přírodě“ upozorňuje pomocí známých osobností na nevhodné chování v lesích a parcích
25.6.2021 — Osvětová kampaň hlavního města "Ne! v přírodě" dnes odstartovala. Za cíl si klade upozornit na nevhodné chování návštěvníků lesů a parků v Praze. Jedná se o společný projekt fotografa a art direktora Matěje Derecka Harda a odboru ochrany prostředí Magistrátu hlavního města Prahy. Do kampaně se zapojily různé známé osobnosti, například Jiří Korn, Tonya Graves nebo Eva Samková.
FOR ARCH 2017 přinese řadu zajímavých soutěží a konferencí
23.8.2017 — Osmadvacátý ročník mezinárodního stavebního veletrhu FOR ARCH, který se uskuteční ve dnech 19. až 23. září v areálu PVA EXPO PRAHA v Letňanech, nabídne i letos velmi bohatý doprovodný program pro odborníky i laickou veřejnost.
Bulgarian Movies in Lucerna and Pilotů Cinemas in Prague
9.4.2019 — Bulgarian filmmakers will once again bring their latest feature films and documentaries to the Czech metropolis.
Prague - 50x culture events
25.3.2009 —
The eighth annual festival of Iranian films in Prague with English subtitles
16.1.2019 — From the 15th to the 20th of January, Prague cinemas present a festival, which introduces some of the best current Iranian films. The festival, simply called 'Írán:ci' (Iranians), features films projected with English subtitles. It opens on the 15th of January at 8pm in the Lucerna cinema, with a dark comedy 'Pig', one of the most successful Iranian movies of the year. The director Mani Haghighi, whose movies 'About Elly' and 'Dragon Arrives!' were successful in previous years of the festival, will introduce the film.
Lights! Camera! Prague!
23.3.2009 —
Nordic Short Film festival: original and sincere
6.6.2019 — From the 4th to the 13th of June, Evald Cinema is hosting the second annual Nordic Short Film festival. The festival presents serious themes, as well as films full of humour and nostalgia, and it also gives an insight into the extraordinary lives of the Icelanders.
Kapitola 03
10.1.2003 — Doprava
Norwegian nu-jazz magicians Jaga Jazzist, one of the best concert groups of the present day.
1.4.2019 — The Concert Cycle Jazz of Four Continents in Jazz Dock
Prague full of Jazz
1.4.2019 — In April, 'Mladí Ladí Jazz', the annual International Youth Jazz Festival in Prague, will bring seven evenings of concerts where world renowned stars will be performing, workshops and, of course, the traditional youth competition 'Jazzfruit'. The festival is looking for talents in contemporary jazz and the experimental scene from the Czech Republic and abroad, and introduce them to the public. Its main goal is to bring the attention of a young audience back to jazz music and restore traditions of this music in the Czech Republic.
Competition in collecting of waste paper
3.6.2005 —